Bluetooth comes up short with range, analytics, bandwidth, security and more.
Imagine this: You’re confronted with a DIY project or some serious cleaning you can no longer put off. You pop in your wireless headphones to get in the zone. It’s working its magic. You’re feeling productive, enjoying a podcast you’ve been meaning to check out. You quickly run outside to throw out the garbage and...(signal lost).
The problem is Bluetooth can only take you so far. That is, unless you’re willing to carry your device with you from task to task (which is a no).
Bluetooth falls short in other areas aside from limited proximity, such as bandwidth, security, and data mining.
Leverage LoRa for a Smart Restroom
True IoT-enabled, Cloud-enabled products rely on LoRa devices for their intelligent data analytics and far-reaching range. In fact, LoRa literally translates to Long Range. Its function is in the namesake. How much so?
Your entire ecosystem of plumbing products should only require this single gateway device. LoRa covers a 1,000-ft spherical radius and can communicate with up to 900 products—you can acquire loads of restroom insights from that! What’s more, you get a lot of gusto from the gateway.
LoRa has a very persistent signal. As mentioned, with Bluetooth you must be close in range. Even when you put a mesh network together, you are limited by distance and the number of products that can communicate to one device. LoRa, on the other hand, manages an entire building of products, great distance and far fewer disruptions, while cutting down on power consumption.
Whether it’s hardwired or battery operated, Zurn has the largest number of smart plumbing products that will keep you connected anywhere in your building.